Upgrading Reports to D365F&SCM – Designs

When you want to move a report design in to an SSRS report in AX2012 you can move them to D365FO by copying the raw data from the AX2012 XPO directly into the D365FO xml file.

Step 1: Export the report from the AX2012 AOT.

Step 2: Search the XPO for the


Find the precision design you want to copy

Step 3: Copy the contents from the

<PrecisionDesign Name="Report" StyleTemplate=":TableStyleTemplate" Text="<?xml version="1.0
#      <DisableIndividualTransformation Name="DisableIndividualTransformation"/>
#    </PrecisionDesign>

Step 4: Paste this information into a new text file

Step 5: Remove the leading # from the lines. This is easy to complete if you use NotePad++, using the Alt + Shift control.

Step 6: Remove the follwoing from the start

<PrecisionDesign Name="Report" StyleTemplate=":TableStyleTemplate" Text="

Step 7: Remove the follwoing from the end

      <DisableIndividualTransformation Name="DisableIndividualTransformation"/>

This should leave you will something like

&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0

Step 8: Add the following header to the new file:


Step 9: Add the following footer to the new file:


Step 10: In D365FO open the report and ensure the precision design is present in the report. If not create one. Name it the same as the AX2012 design. Ensure you save the result.

Step 11: Open the XML file into NotePad (I prefer NotePad++). The xml file should be located in the AOT store location: AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\<Model>\<Model>\AxReport

Step 12: Located the following:

<AxReportDesign xmlns=""

Step 11: Paste the new file text between the




Step 12: Save XML file.

You need to repeat this for each Precision Design.

Note: If you do this with the report open in Visual studio it will automatically promote to reload the file when it is saved or copied in to the source directory.

Step 13: Compile and resolve compile issues

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